Yesterday after work I walked into our Tech Department computer lab and saw two of our young techs playing a game. I walked over and sat with them, hoping to learn something new, and I sure did. GeoGuessr (tag line "Let's Explore the World") is a game that works through Google Maps. When you pull up the site, you'll see a location at street view level via Google Maps. You can look around as much as you like; there's no time limit, but your goal is to figure out where in the world you are. Sometimes you can read street signs, sometimes you will examine the flora and fauna, and once in a while if you drive around in the bush long enough, you will locate a helpful kangaroo which will let you know you are in Australia not Africa. Trust me, that can be a tough distinction, as my two colleagues explained. When you think you've got it figured out, drop the pin on the map and guess. The closer you get, the more points you receive. Once you guess, you get another loc...