I have instructed you to register a Host and Domain 000webhost.com in the previous post. After many references and registration to use other free hosting providers, I found Biz.nf quite good. With Biz.nf, you can create a free domain name .co.nf with free hosting with a professional hosting manager, not inferior to a paid hosting. Some features: Web capacity: 1GB Bandwidth: 5BG 1 POP3 / SMTP, Webmail Support FPT, File Manager Support PHP5 / 7, My SQL 5, CGI ... Interface control panel: Includes full functionality as a high-end hosting you often see. With new wordpress users, Biz.nf will help you get acquainted better and you will create your own website as you like. I go into details! Create an account and Domain of Biz.nf Step 1: You can access the website " Here " 1. You enter the domain you want to create, like it. I enter congngheketnoi 2. Click REGISTER >> to check if the domain is used, if there is...