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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2018 helps taxpayers file their income taxes faster helps taxpayers file their income taxes faster, easier and more accurately than with traditional paper forms. We offer full featured online tax software at a significant discount to other programs. File electronically in just minutes and save time We know that filing your taxes can sometimes be unpleasant. That is why our helpful online tax preparation program works with you to make the filling process as pain-free as possible. Many filers can use our online tax software to electronically file their taxes in less than 15 minutes. To use the E-file software, a visitor simply needs to create a free account ( here ), enter their taxpayer information, income figures, then any deductions they may have, and our software will calculate and prepare the return. Once a user has completed preparing their return they will be provided the option of either e-filing or printing and mailing. It's as simple as that. We provide qualified tax support E-file's online tax preparation too...

5 Things Every Teacher Should Try In The New School Year!

As many of us are gearing up for the start of another academic year, I thought I would share some useful ideas and resources that will have you hitting the ground running in September. You can watch the video here: Links to the ideas mentioned: Taking Teaching Back  Blackfish Project  Designing websites  Music for Comprehension

Reading Comprehension Through Disney Princess Songs

If you are a follower of this blog, you will know that I am a massive fan of using music in the classroom. I have often blogged examples of songs I have used to develop reading comprehension. Click the following image to see all the previous songs I have blogged: To further improve reading comprehension the latest songs I have chosen to work on gives the opportunity for pupils to make valuable links and compare similar texts. All the questions have been put into a downloadable pack you can buy for JUST £1.99.  Here is a taste of what is included in the pack: The Little Mermaid - Part of Your World Maybe he's right. Maybe there is something the matter with me I just don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad... Look at this stuff
 Isn't it neat?
 Wouldn't you think my collection’s complete?
 Wouldn't you think I'm the girl
 The girl who has everything? Who is Ariel talking about when she says ‘Maybe he’s right’? Her Dad Why do you think...

Weekly Tech-y News August 27th

Click the image to view the newsletter!

Weekly Tech-y News August 20th!

Click on the image to view slide.

ISTE 2018

Wahoo! Heather Marrs & I have arrived at ISTE 2018! Thanks to generous grants from Montana MCCE and the Education Foundation for BPS , I had the amazing opportunity to attend the 2018 ISTE Conference in Chicago this past summer. Attending ISTE was such an incredible time to connect with edtech teacher leaders from across our country, and learn from the best of the best.  I especially enjoyed being a part of the first ever Seesaw Connect event, where I was able to learn about gamified classrooms from Heather Marrs , explore innovative PD options with Andy Lesier , and delve deeper into #BookSnaps with Tara Martin . It was amazing to meet so many teachers I had connected with via Twitter, and be able to share and learn one with one another in person. The Seesaw Connect Amazing Race was super fun, and I loved leading a job alike session with other tech integration specialists and coaches who use Seesaw. This event and helping out in the Seesaw booth at the ISTE Expo Hall were ...

Make $ 1-3 per day with Fronto Lock Screen

A reputable money making application is always the first choice of you to join online. Today blog would like to share with you a foreign application launched long ago and its reputation is very high it is the Fronto Lock Screen app make money. Fronto lock screen allows you to earn rewards only for phone users. With Fronto Lock Screen, you will discover interesting, deals, and promotions on your lock screen. Swipe left, as always, to the home screen. A right swipe will take you to a website or to Google Play to discover a new app or service. First, download the Fronto Lock Screen application from google play or link below: Download Now CH Play:  Fronto Lock Screen The application only supports the android operating system, after loading, you register your account by email or login to the system by facebook account and make daily get reward points. Enter the Enter Referral Code and enter the code: NHAN2000P to receive 2000P. You will receive your reward by day or by yourself when pla...