A reputable money making application is always the first choice of you to join online. Today blog would like to share with you a foreign application launched long ago and its reputation is very high it is the Fronto Lock Screen app make money.
Fronto lock screen allows you to earn rewards only for phone users. With Fronto Lock Screen, you will discover interesting, deals, and promotions on your lock screen. Swipe left, as always, to the home screen. A right swipe will take you to a website or to Google Play to discover a new app or service.
First, download the Fronto Lock Screen application from google play or link below:
Download Now CH Play: Fronto Lock Screen
The application only supports the android operating system, after loading, you register your account by email or login to the system by facebook account and make daily get reward points. Enter the Enter Referral Code and enter the code: NHAN2000P to receive 2000P.
You will receive your reward by day or by yourself when playing the game, joining other items and recommending friends.
To redeem the redeem section here paypal
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